For Sale – Guidelines

This part of our site is intended to be used by members / friends of the club who have spare archery equipment available for sale – in much the same way as a traditional notice board in the club house might operate.  If you have equipment for sale please contact our webmaster with details of your listing and we will post them here (note: this might take a couple of days).

Guidelines / Rules :

  • We will only post listings for people who are known to the club.
  • We will only post listings for items that are related to archery.
  • We reserve the right to remove listings as and when we see fit.
  • Sellers must provide contact details (email and/or phone number) as part of their post / listing.
  • We will not act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers.
  • We provide no guarantee as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items. Ads are posted based on information provided by sellers and are not verified by Redruth Archers.
  • We will not become involved in any disputes between buyers and sellers.
  • If some / all of the items on your listing are sold, please let us know at the earliest opportunity and we will revise / remove your listing accordingly.
  • All listings will automatically expire 3 months after the date of posting.
  • We will not prompt or remind you that your listing is about to expire.  You are welcome, however, to relist your item(s) if they do not sell within this timeframe.

This site provides some good advice for both sellers and buyers about protecting yourself against online, free-ads related fraud / scams.

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