Subs 2018-2019

2018-19 Subscriptions are now due
(1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019)

The Club, County, Regional and National elements all become due on the same date.
The fees for 2018-19 are as follows:
Adults (25 and over)     £112.00
Adults (18 to 24) £72.00
Disabled Adult (Self-declaration) £66.00
Juniors (under 18) £38.60
Associate Membership £54.00 (Must be a member of Archery GB elsewhere)

There are three ways in which you can pay:
1. Pay the Treasurer in person, at the field, by cash or cheque.
2. Send payment by cheque, made payable to “Redruth Archers”, to the Treasurer at his home address.
3. Transfer money direct into the Club’s bank (see Paul or Jon for details)

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